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The Light of the World
December 2, 2017
As seen throughout scripture, Christ is revealed from beginning to end. We find many names for Him but today we read “Light of the World”. Can you open your mind to more than the sun lighting your way. The verse also says, “he who follows me will not walk in darkness.” DARK AND LIGHT CANNOT EXIST SIMULTANEOUSLY. Maybe you’re not participating in any grievous act of theft or such but rather live a life clouded by doom, despair, or defeat. This is spiritual darkness. Might this holiday season be the one that brings you into the glorious life of the Light of the World. Would you consider exploring spiritual matters? Rather than getting caught up in the frantic race to find the perfect gift, simply receive Christ as the perfect gift for you.
If you are sincere, it’s as simple as asking Him. Lord, I want to know who you are. Please show me. Open my spirit to see you. You will have your most meaningful Christmas ever.
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