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=5Well it's Missionary Monday here at Graves. I thought about writing today about our responsibility to steward our resources as believers. I hoped to...

Story of the Day and How it Changed

October 2, 2017

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Who Do You Look Like?

May 13, 2018

I keep bumping into him, from time to time, and can’t help but wonder about “kingdom collisions”...divine meetings orchestrated by God for a specific purpose. But our meeting in my little country store touched my heart the most. Because I was close to his mom rather than him, I’m just now learning to recognize him when our paths cross.

When he wandered into the store for breakfast he shopped as well. A “Farmhouse” wooden sign caught his eye for his bride I’m guessing. I told him the price and reminded him that all the proceeds from that sale went toward our summer mission trip to Uganda. I believe by now I’d recognized him as my friend’s son. As I approached the register I rang him up and thanked him for the mission’s support. I also told him how glad I was to see him. He teared up as he walked out the door. Grief does that. It hits you like a tidal wave when you least expect it. With his mom now gone, I suppose a sweet memory had flooded his heart and mind. What I wasn’t prepared for was his reentry back into the store moments later.

When he made his way back to the kitchen he apologized for his tears but his following words were what sunk way deep into my soul and will stay there forever. “You look so much like her.” So, I had reminded him of his mom, now gone. Once I took the compliment in, I shared how I had thought he’s carrying on a legacy supported by his to missions. I then shared a funny story of how his mom had taught me grace as a young mother from her position as our community postmaster.

I’m dreaming of writing a children’s book of local heroes to celebrate the stories of people in our place. Muriel aka “Merle” was my top choice. I’ve tried to write this post for weeks but today seems most appropriate as He will miss her most today as Mother’s Day goes on but she’s present from Heaven.

Muriel’s legacy lives on. She touched thousands of lives. She taught me about grace and encouraged me in my faith journey when God brought Marty, my husband, into my life.

We all look like someone. Our character is shaped by those we spend the most time with. I pray you had a Godly mother, like Muriel, who influenced you for greatness. If you did not then know today that God’s character can be your example to get to know and follow and also leave a legacy for those around you. If you don’t know God then may I encourage you to find a mentor...someone you look up to. Ask them to help you be the mother you long to be. Who do you look like?

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