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My Hope Chest

December 6, 2017

This time of year it’s easy for our thoughts to shift from what’s truly important to what seems important at the moment. The world tells us that hustle and bustle are necessary to find the perfect gift, make every last commitment on the calendar, and embrace the stress of the season.

I find the more attuned I am to Christ, the real reason for the season, and to not finding that one special present but focusing on THE PRESENT that came down from heaven, the more peace and joy I feel.

Recently on my visit to Philly to meet little Noel, I presented her with a gift for her hope chest. My grandmother gave me the idea years ago. She wanted me to have a literal chest full of beautiful items to help make a home once married. The idea was to start early and add to the chest. By the time marriage rolled around, your chest would be full of lovelies to create beauty in your new home. I remember the sacrifices she made monthly using her social security money to be able to buy the Lane chest from the dealer in Arab.

Recently, I’ve started making intentional purchases for my two remaining girls at home to “fill their hope chest”. This was a recent purchase created by my friend Katie.

“All Wrapped Up” is a mini canvas with a poem attached. The idea is to move the ornament daily on your tree for others to find delight in “finding” baby Jesus as an opportunity to emphasize the real importance of why we celebrate.

In a season that’s about overspending, overdoing, overcommitting, and overeating,

may you purpose to stay committed and fixed, moment by moment, on this truth:


Unlike God, I have a beginning and end and am far from almighty.

“I am the Alpha and the Omega, says the Lord God, ‘who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty’”.

May this holiday season be about filling your spiritual hope chest of truths that carry you well through the remainder of life.

Blessings and abundance of grace and love,


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