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Little Noel and More
December 2, 2017
Subconsciously I must have expected to spend the week working: cooking, cleaning, washing clothes, etc. Rather quickly I settled into vacation and enjoying mode as I watched Lawrens’s helpmeet Brandon step up to meet those needs.
I was able to gather a little greenery for the Advent candles, hold the baby ALOT, see her first bath, attend the first doctor’s appointment, share way too much food, and sit, stare, and marvel at the wonder of life.
Meet baby Noel:)
Once we arrived, I was so blessed by the nesting that had taken place. The Christmas decor was up and ready and Noel’s sweet nursery popped with pink and ballerinas. It was such a blessing to witness the fruit of my labor and experience the beauty and hospitality evident through my daughter’s life.
There were so many years of parenting that I wondered if ANYTHING I did was making a difference. And now I see every sacrifice I made paid off eternal dividends that shape lives and left a lasting legacy.
As the week went by the Lord revealed the truth that His design of a mother and father in a home caring for their own was His best plan. I saw how my daughter and son in law are standing on the shoulders of our faith reaching new levels of their own faith. Their spiritual lives and maturity far exceed mine at their age.
What a sweet reward to not only have the blessing of a granddaughter but also witness His wonderful design for family.
As a single mom for ten years to five kids I witnessed firsthand God’s faithfulness but how sweet to see His hand in a beautiful design opposed to hardship. Thank you God for your mercy, grace, and love toward our family.
Are you seeing His hand today? Are you thankful?
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