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=5Well it's Missionary Monday here at Graves. I thought about writing today about our responsibility to steward our resources as believers. I hoped to...

Story of the Day and How it Changed

October 2, 2017

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Convincing Prayer

October 25, 2017

I want my prayers to God to be convincing. Convincing for me. God doesn’t need convincing. He already knows and controls everything. But like Paul in his letter to the Philippians, I want to know what’s best to pray and the purpose of my prayer. I want my prayer life to reflect what I know to be true about God and His desires for those I love as well as myself. Paul prays that his friends will experience ABOUNDING LOVE but not just any kind of love: love deep and insightful. And the reason he prayed this request: so they may discern what is best, be pure and blameless, and be filled with fruit of righteousness. P

aul then acknowledges HOW that happens: through Christ. He’s confident of the means of accomplishing this prayer. And finally he states why: for the praise and glory of God.
There are times when I can only cry out to Jesus for a quick answer but my goal is to emulate the prayer of Paul to include: desire, purpose, and means of accomplishment. God promises to keep His word He’s given to us but how He loves for us to speak it back to Him in prayer. What desires do you have that you long for an answer? Will you shift your prayer from the temporary to the eternal....more abounding love? I’m confident as our prayer is more focused on God, our circumstances will have less influence. #storyoftheday #purposefulprayer #convincingprayer #philippians1:9-11

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