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=5Well it's Missionary Monday here at Graves. I thought about writing today about our responsibility to steward our resources as believers. I hoped to...

Story of the Day and How it Changed

October 2, 2017

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He Makes a Way: My WayMaker

August 30, 2017

Well the lazy days of summer are behind us now. Cool weather attempts to move in. We've enjoyed a galaxy phenomenon with the solar eclipse and now we are dealing with fired missiles. But sometimes it is pertinent that we reflect on all that's going on in our own nests.

It has been a whirlwind summer. Two graduates: one college, one high school, a big move, career and life changes for two children, travel and transition. As a mother, I suppose, the biggest tug on my heart strings has been sending off my first born daughter and now my first born son.

We've known for a while that Lawren along with her husband Brandon were relocating to Philly for full time missions. I've watched this child, since the age of 15, when we first visited Poland, press in to the call of obedience to serve God wholeheartedly through missions. So, as hard as it was to say good bye, I knew the two of them were in better hands than I could ever provide.

However, the turn of events in our lives the past ten days still have my heart and mind reeling. For at least the last four years, it's been a given mindset that John Jay, my first born son, would play college basketball. Choices were made to encourage this and sacrifices took place to ensure opportunities were available as his skill set developed.

When late spring, graduation, and then mid summer rolled around and nothing transpired as far as an opportunity for college sports, a new mindset was needed. Yet, in the stillness of my spirit, I sensed, "This isn't finished." So, I was not totally shocked when very late on a recent Sunday night....the night before classes started at the local junior college where John was enrolled...he came to me with this story:

"I talked to my old travel ball coach tonight. We caught up on all that's happened and he asked me if I still wanted to play college ball? I repled, 'yes'. He made some calls and twenty minutes later a college coach called me." There are a few more details on emphatic word useage, flailing arms, and excitement beyond comprehension...but that's not really the point of this..Still, use your imagination. There was some happy dancing even though at this point nothing was guaranteed.

John started classes the next day where he was enrolled. However, within four days, mountains were moved for John to transfer to Huntingdon College in Montgomery to play on their basketball team.

It is simply a miracle, something only God can do,

for colleges to make things happen and for John to move so quickly. We delivered him Sunday night to campus. I might add it was probably one of the hardest things I've ever done. Entrusting John to someone other than myself for meals, housing, a new way of life. And it all happened so fast. There really wasn't time for the heart to catch up to the mind.

God gave me a word for 2017 "WAY MAKER" from Isaiah 43. Since God brought me a husband last year, it was with anticipation I looked for how in the world He would top that gift. And, although, He makes a way everyday with my health, my job, ministry, etc...I was looking for a RED SEA parting in my own life. And here it is with John's drastic turn of events in one week. Here's exactly what He promises to you and me as believers:

“Forget the former things;

do not dwell on the past.


See, I am doing a new thing!

Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?

I am making a way in the wilderness

and streams in the wasteland.


The wild animals honor me,

the jackals and the owls,

because I provide water in the wilderness

and streams in the wasteland,

to give drink to my people, my chosen,

What way do you need for Him to make for you? Will you trust Him? Will you wait with anticipation

There's probably so much more that I could write about but really all I wanted to do was take the opportunity to shout out to my Savior online for the whole world to see His faithfulness and lovingkindness toward His children. And furthermore, to acknowledge that our Heavenly Father sees our labor as moms to prepare our children, recognize their gifts, and provide an environment at home that allows them to flourish.

Our homes are meant to be places where taking ownership of your life and pursuing your dreams are witnessed over the course of our lives. As our children see us embracing life, hardships, obstacles, and pain, they develop spiritual muscle to do the same. They recognize the hard work it takes to realize your dreams and at some point take ownership of their own lives to do the same.

Also, another reason for sharing is for any reader to realize God's timing is perfect. While we may fret, ring our hands, throw up our hands, or give up completely, His love never fails. His ways are not our ways. His thoughts are not our thoughts. And time is NOTHING to Him because He is always fully present at every moment and has always existed. So while we may fret about deadlines, scholarships, etc. God does not. Yet, all the while He is orchestrating something beautiful for our lives as we trust Him with everything. He's waiting until the EXACT MOMENT WHEN FAITH IS MARRIED WITH ACTION to orchestrate a grand design to glorify Himself.

Will you trust Him today with your heart, your children, and your lives. Wait expectantly for Him to show up in unbelievable ways. Then share with others the miracles that are taking place.

Love, Pam

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